So we six ladies are all huddled in a virtual back room sorting through the common resources to find the gems, the ones you may never find without our help.
Bonnie Grove collects unique writer sites for Canadians - if you have a contribution to this list, e-mail her
Places for Writers Since 1997 Places for Writers has been posting writing contests and submission calls, occasional literary news, publishing information, and links to great Canadian writers and organizations.
ONLINE GEMS (by category)
Author Tools:
Writer Beware: Warnings About Literary Fraud and Other Schemes, Scams, and Pitfalls That Target Writers
Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Best feature about this is its pronunciaton feature - helps you to learn a new word by sound.
Video: Elizabeth Gilbert On The Creative Genius
Elizabeth Gilbert's Thoughts On Writing
Enquiring Minds:
Daily Routines - How writers, artists, and other interesting people organize their days.
Writers Rooms - Pictures of where they write - or, if they are dead - where they wrote.
Timelines: Fill in your character's birth date, and find out what went on in the world from the time he was born to the moment he swung from the gallows (or whatever). Lets you create a timeline of the major events in your character's story, with notes, pictures, and even video attached. Nice way to organize research.
Words: (confusing, usage, verbs, adjectives/adverbs, definitions etc.)
Confusing Words Is John an agnostic, or an atheist? Should you put capital into the capitol? To what affect? Or is that effect? Ever been confused? Confusing Words is a collection of 3210 words that are troublesome to readers and writers. Words are grouped according to the way they are most often confused or misused.
Redundancies A list of reduntant phrases and their alternatives.
Unphotographable. Photographer Michael David Murphy created this site as a salute to "Occasions when I wished I'd taken the picture, or not forgotten the camera, or had been brave enough to click the shutter." It's an ode to photos, but savvy writers can use it as an exercise in writing short, dense, complete stories with words. Espresso writing, if you will.
Writing Tips
Jeff Gerke's Fiction Writing Tips are an excellent resource, covering every aspect of writing your novel.
Just had to say - I love the blog design! Very cool. :)
I am so excited for this blog to get up and running! It's going to be a wonderful resource and I'm sure a great blessing for writers. ;-)
Welcome to cyber space ladies.
Good luck.
I'm involved with Seekerville and we'd have a great time doing our blog, i think you're gonna have fun. :)
Koala: Thanks so much!
Brenna: We're looking forward to getting to know you and other lovers of fiction, too.
Mary: Thanks so much. I enjoy Seekerville. And I agree, I think we will have fun! Wonderful you stopped by!
Beautiful design! It draws in and invites!
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