Saturday, August 29, 2009

Movie Saturday

It's Movie Saturday. And we all know what you get during the summer -- you get reruns.

The video that was supposed to run today had... technical difficulties. We are all reminded that we cannot say bad words on this blog, even if they apply to technology. We'll return to our regularly-scheduled programming soon. And that's all I have to say about that.

So -- for those of you who are new followers, please enjoy the book trailer for Latter-day Cipher. If you're interested in some of the reviews of this book, click here.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be entered in our Saturday Night at the Movies monthly giveaway. We'll announce a winner on Monday!


Tahirah Elliott said...

Sounds intriguing! I'll look forward to its debut.

Anonymous said...

It's gonna be my new Fall read.

Anna said...

The book is excellent. Was the first person to check it out of our local library.

Latayne C Scott said...

Thank you so much, kind ones, for your interest. And Anna -- I'm honored by your compliment!

Janet said...

So what are you giving away this month, huh, huh?

Tahirah, good news, it's out. Go buy a copy.

Leslie said...

This is the next book in my line up! Mrs. L. Scott is awesome :).

Judith Millar said...

Intriguing. I read Martha Beck's "Leaving the Saints" (about leaving the Mormon Church) and really thought that was a courageous book. Looking forward to this!

Karen Schravemade said...

Wow! Great trailer, Latayne!

Latayne C Scott said...

Tahirah, you're the winner of our Saturday night at the Movies prize -- good stuff! Email us with a snail mail address!