Friday, November 26, 2010

In Lean Times, We Learn to Give All the More

Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all Humanity


Latayne C Scott said...

This reminds me of what Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, first wrote in the flyleaf of his Bible:

"May my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God."

That's my prayer, too, for my hard old heart. Thank you, dear Bonnie, for the reminder.

Jan Cline said...

Today 3 men came by wanted to know if they could shovel the snow from our driveway for a few dollars. They were out of work and broke. My husband had them shovel and then paid them twice what they asked for. This is the kind of spirit that makes me thankful. These men were willing to do whatever it took to live and their actions humbled me. This kind of giving on both sides is a testament to the spirit we all aspire to this time of year.
Thanks or the reminder.

Bonnie Grove said...

Thanks for sharing that wonderful story, Jan.
It's inspiring!
Across the world, or across the street, actions of love can change the world.

Henrietta Frankensee said...

I have a 3 or 4 year old newspaper clipping on my fridge. It is a picture of a shopping cart decked out in coloured lights. There is a baby in the cart, a rather worried looking infant wrapped in swaddling bands. The caption reads "Keep Christ in Christmas".
There is a Charlie Brown Nativity scene on a lawn in our neighbourhood. I am charmed by it. I would like to see Nativity sets on more lawns; a great variety of commercial and traditional representations of the Happy Birth. This would be the first sign of the Christian Renaissance closely followed by Caroling parties and Salvation Army soldiers struggling to carry overfull kettles.
I am thankful for two almost identical conversations today.
"I'm giving to charity in the name of someone who normally receives a gift from me. I hope they aren't offended."
"They will rejoice. They will feel honoured."