As for the quality of the workmanship, I trust the women I co-write this blog with -- all exceptional authors in their own right -- and the ones who've read it gave me the confidence to move forward on my own. Katy designed a fabulous cover that has great significance to the story. It's beyond what I hoped for. This is the back cover copy:

~Aria Winters wants off the nut farm. Literally. She wants to get as far away as she can from the Shunk-Winters family-run nut-farming business. So she takes her Bible school degree and heads to Moldova to teach English at a missionary school. Aria falls in love with all the children, but especially shy and beautiful Anya. When the unthinkable happens, Aria begins to question what were once the absolutes in her life. She returns to the family compound, where she tries to hide from life, and most especially from God. But just as the Moldovan sunflowers can't help follow the face of the sun, so Aria must face the true Son. Can she live with what His light exposes?
Am I nervous about going this route? Absolutely. But I'm also excited. It's been too long since my last novel was released. And when it became apparent that my writing fell within the great big chasm between CBA and ABA, I knew this was the course for me. And I'm counting on that great big chasm to be just that -- a great big void that I can help fill. I've said it before, and perhaps I shouldn't be quite so candid, but CBA has become a very small world unto itself, and the type of stories I write can't seem to find a home there any longer. I don't feel I'm a good fit for ABA either. But I'm not ready to hang up my spurs, creatively speaking, and so this seemed the best option.
The only way for this to work is to make the ripple effect as productive as possible. So I'm asking those of you who read Unraveled and like it, to tell your family and friends about it, and ask them to tell their family and friends about, and so on and so on. I'm asking you to Tweet about it and get the message out on Facebook. If you have a blog or some other way of promoting Unraveled, I hope you'll help get the word out. I'd be happy to do an interview for you. Above all, I want your feedback. You can email me through my website: www.sharonksouza.com, or through my Facebook page: Sharon K. Souza, Author.
So, look for Unraveled on Amazon, in print form and Kindle version, by the end of July. And please let me hear from you. It matters very much what you have to say.
Oh Sharon! I'm so excited for you. I will be promoting you and reading Unraveled as soon as things slow a bit for me. Been a crazy summer. Unexpected. And yes on that interview too.
I believe in you & am proud of you.
~ Wendy
Awesome news, Sharon -congratulations! I can't wait to read your book. The back cover copy has me hooked. I'd love to help promote your work in whatever way I can. Exciting times!!!! xx
So very proud of you, Sharon. You pushed through some tough obstacles to complete this beautiful project. We'll certainly announce when Unraveled is ready for purchase. God is good!
Congratulations to you! I'm sure it is both exciting and nerve-wracking. I'm looking forward to the release.
I've read Unraveled (in manuscript form). Honestly? Sharon made me laugh. And she literally made me cry (and I was editing--I had my teeth sharpened and my heart tucked away under a pillow in the other room, and still, I cried).
It's the story of a young woman who has to learn to stand on her own two spiritual feet. And the journey she takes is heartbreaking, and yet wonderful.
Can we pre-order, Sharon?
You had me at "nut farm". I'd LOVE to talk you and your novel up on my blog.
Congratulations, Sharon!
What a beautiful cover. SO excited for you!
Please let us know how we can spread the word best even now so you'll have a launch as soon as the book is available. :)
"And when it became apparent that my writing fell within the great big chasm between CBA and ABA, I knew this was the course for me." Thank you so much for being so candid, Sharon, and I'm so very excited for you! Although I haven't commented often, Novel Matters has been a huge source of comfort to me as God led me to a similar conclusion in my own artistic pursuits. Will most definitely help get the message out!
Wow, thank you so much everyone. I appreciate your support so much!
"my writing fell within the great big chasm between CBA and ABA...but I am not ready to hang up my spurs..."
Well said.
Thank you, thank you for blazing a trail - and do let us know how it works out.
Sharon, I'm amazed at your talent, courage and tenacity. This is a beautiful book, and I can't wait to hold my own copy.
Now here is a book I think I could read, tears and all. The subject is close to my heart. Please have a version for us poor Blackberry Playbook people, though really I do love a paper copy.
The chasm is wide and insatiable once you plug into it. I am excited for you.
A book set in Moldova? I can't wait to read this! I already recognize the sunflowers.
Wanderer, amazing!!!
Henrietta, it will be available in print form and Kindle. Since I'm publishing through Amazon, that is what's available to me.
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