It's all of those things and none of those things.
Bonnie said, "Success [as it pertains to writing/art] is probably best measured in persistence." I have to agree with that. I began this writing journey 27 years ago, almost to the day. I dabbled as a writer long before that, but the day I sat down and began to write my first novel is when the writing life really began for me. So far, it's been:
one big roller coaster ride
three steps forward, two steps back
three steps forward, two steps back
and down
and low
and discouraging
nothing like I expected it to be
Nothing. Like I expected.
I wish I had a jarful of the naïve hopefulness I felt as that first novel progressed -- you know, the one that will NEVER be published, thank God. But, oh, the anticipation I had for that novel. I truly believed it would launch my "career" -- you know, the one I'm still waiting for. I could not have foreseen the mountain of rejection letters I'd amass from that one piece of work (double entendre intended). And I'm glad I couldn't. Because if I had, I'd have quit before the lead on my first pencil became dull. And I'm immensely grateful I didn't quit. First, because I'd have never come to know any number of people who have come into my life as a result of my writing, which includes all of you. Second, because the stories I've written have enriched me, and they've enriched others. Regardless of the scale, there's satisfaction in that. Does my portrait of success look the way I'd like it to after 27 years of hard labor? Not hardly. But while I don't have quite a jarful of naïve hopefulness, I still have some. I still hope that my next offering will reach a wider audience, and my next, and my next. That's the beauty of persistence. It's its own reward.
We have a saying in my family: "There's honest, and there's brutally honest." And usually when we say it, it's with one eye on my husband, who falls in the second camp. No, wait, he doesn't fall into the second camp, he spearheads it. But I've learned there's real virtue in that. There are no false suppositions that way, and false suppositions can blindside like little else.
So I want to be brutally honest with you today. Most of what you envision in the way of success for your writing you will fall short of. J.K. Rowling and Suzanne Collins are the exception, not the rule. But listen to me. Aim. High. Anyway. Because you have something to say, and you say it in a way no one else can. You will improve with each book you write. You will touch readers. You will make a difference to someone -- even if it's to you alone. I live by the philosophy -- reluctantly, I'll admit (I've got to stay brutally honest) -- that it is my responsibility to use the gifts God has given me, but it is God who gives the increase. I wish I didn't have to include that last phrase. I wish it were all up to me. If it were, we would all have the success of a Rowling or a Collins. Because, shoot, why not??
So keep writing. Keep improving. Keep hoping. Persistence is the name of the game.
In the end, Madeleine L'Engle got it right:
You must once and for all give up being worried about successes and failures. Don't let that concern you. It's your duty to go on working steadily day by day, quite quietly, to be prepared for mistakes, which are inevitable, and for failures.
The more we talk about success the more I think the only thing I can think about some days is putting one foot in front of the other and just. keeping. on. going.
I guess that's what Bonnie said. It's kind of the definition of perseverance isn't it.
Today was a success because I didn't give up. Tomorrow will be a success because I will do it again.
Just keep going is really all there is.
Sharon, that photo of someone skiing on a roller coaster track scared the bejabbers out of me. Okay! Okay! Don't put me on that contraption, and I'll write!
That is an amazing photo! How does the human frame survive the G-force? At least he has handholds.
Thanks for the inspiring call to write! You are very generous with your experience and very loving with sharing the brutal honesty. I have read your stories and I am grateful you have persevered. You have made a difference!
Mostly, I do live by those wonderful words of L'Engle, but there are days, frequently strung together in a wilderness of succession, where I languish.
Megan, yep there are days like that. Lots of them. But we get through and we move on. And we get strong in the process.
Latayne, whatever it takes, girlfriend!!
Henrietta, you brought me to tears. Thank you.
Cherry, I can certainly relate. Here's to a break in the chain!
Ask me what success as a writer means in a couple of years and it will be different I'm sure. Today, it means getting past that blasted chapter 3. Tomorrow, it will mean hearing from a reader that my story gave them hope, encouraged them, reminded them, befriended them, etc. Another day, it will be hearing "Yes, ma'am" from the next pub board at whose boardroom door I wait. Yet another day, it will be the kind of chatter that causes people to buy a book of mine based on what people have said. And one day it will be defined by enough sales to tempt a publisher to take a chance on another book of mine.
Or it may just be me finally reaching that high bar I've set for myself (which has nothing to do with the names you mentioned and everything to do with a vision I have for my work that makes my nose bleed just to block my eyes from the sun and peer up at it.)
Thank you for reminding me we are what we are NOW, and what we write now matters, and yes, we'll be even better at what we are LATER if we PERSIST, but there is success and joy along the way, even now. I get frustrated when my leaps don't even come close to the nosebleed bar I've set up. But now is now. Maybe there is a measure of success even now that I've missed...
Camille, very well said. I hope you achieve all your goals, hopes and dreams. No matter what, we can dream.
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