For six years we've shared the best writing advice we have to offer, as well as our victories and disappointments in our writing endeavors. We've sponsored contests that have both benefitted and entertained, and we've co-written a fun story with many of you as our co-conspirators. We've published a book of our favorite recipes and writerly nuggets, and we've posted a lot of great quotes about the writing life on Facebook.
Our Novel Matters blog created a community that has gone beyond anything we might have imagined 6 1/2 years ago when the idea for this blog was first proposed. It brought together six women who barely knew one another, or didn't know one another at all, whose writing style and passion was similar enough for our agents to introduce us to each other, as well as the idea for the blog. All we can say is that is was truly a God thing. For between the six of us, it has forged a deep and amazing friendship that spans the US and Canada.
After serious consideration, we've decided to put Novel Matters on hold for a while. We want to concentrate on our writing and try to figure out and navigate the tumultuous changes taking place in the publishing world. That doesn't mean we're going away. We'll still have a daily presence on Facebook, and will keep in touch with many of you in various ways.
Thank you, again and again, from the bottom of our hearts, for the contribution you have made to this blog and to our lives.
Our prayers and love go out to you.
Bonnie, Debbie, Katy, Latayne, Patti and Sharon
I love you all. So, so, so grateful for all that you've done to mentor us. My writing life matured because of your gentle guidance. But, much more than that, I have gained dear friends - writing sisters.
I thank my God on every remembrance of you - each of you.
Thank you. For all of it.
Than YOU, Susie, for encouraging us to dig deeper, love purely, and to persevere. This has been a great community for growth as writers and people because of folks like you. Thanks for coming along.
I love you guys! Always will. Novel Matters has been an island to me in an ocean of writers where I always felt I didn't fit in. When I read each of your books I thought, wow, there is someone else out there like me!I have grown close to a few of you, quipped with you almost daily on Facebook.I've championed your books when they came out, running a blog tour for one which I thought was pretty successful. Your writings have always been of the highest caliber and you've not been afraid to tackle the darker side of stories, but always with the hope of Christ interjected in them. You are a much needed arm of literature in the Body of Christ and I have learned from your posts and writings. The day I get published there will be a seed from you guys in my work that will bear fruit. I pray for your individual lives and struggles, May the Lord bless you, and keep you, may HIs face shine upon you, may He be gracious to you and give you peace. Like my pastor says, "May He write His name all over you and say, You are Mine!"
Thank you, Suzy. What a beautiful comment. It touched my heart and I know it will touch the hearts of the other girls. We appreciate you more than you know, and look forward to continued interaction and fellowship on Facebook. God bless you, and I pray for great success for you in 2015.
While I haven't been commenting much, not lately anyway, I owe a debt to you ladies that I cannot possibly pay. Especially to Bonnie, who took me under her wing and led me through the Mire of Newbie Writers.
So many times I've read posts here and thought, "I don't even feel like commenting, I just need to soak this in..."
Enjoy the fishing.
And thank you.
Thank you so much, Susie, Suzy and Jennifer. You all have enriched and affirmed us in ways you will never know.
As many of you know, I've published far more nonfiction than fiction (although the page count for unpublished fiction is rivalling all the NF.)
But i have a new, NF book just released that I co-authored. I'm privileged to be part of it.
It's kind of the Unbroken of a Christian woman's life.
How is it I always grow closer to people at their going away party? Thank you so much for being there these past years! I feel I have dear friends here - friends I know well who know me well. And, I understand. Best wishes as you focus on writing ventures and life in all its reality.
Cherry, we've always enjoyed your comments and insights, especially your friendship. Thanks for all you've added to our efforts to encourage writers. And for your kind words.
Ya know, I've been kind of expecting this for a little while, but now it's here and I need to say something I have absolutely no idea what to say.
Thank you. For everything. Well beyond writing. Thank you for all your wisdom and understanding. Thank you for your words, and for every time you took the time to reply to a comment. Thanks for being there. Thank you so much for...you know...all that. And the rest.
I love you guys dearly from the bottom of my heart. And if you wanna come visit feel free to do so any time...I'll put the kettle on. And buy you a doughnut :)
Thank you!!!! xxxxxxx
You ladies have been a bright light in the world of Christian fiction. I've read your books, and with each one thought, "Yep. THIS. This is what it takes. This is what we need." Reading your posts gives that same feeling of recognition. You've stretched me and encouraged me to think. You've opened me up to something, something honest and real and valuable. This blog is an outpouring and you've given and given, enriching our lives and our writing in the process. "Thank you" doesn't seem like enough, but I'll say it anyway. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, for showing us your battle scars, for giving us your friendship, for cupping your hands around the flame and stubbornly guarding it even when the whole world seems intent on blowing it out. That light means something. It's of value. You've shown us a different way, a good way, and we've needed your light. You've mentored and challenged and guided us and we've fallen in love not just with your erudite minds or ideas but with you as people. You're wonderful. You're all wonderful. We love you.
Oh my goodness. Megan and Karen, how dear you both are to us. We're so thankful for the Internet and how being connected to you, even at so great a distance, has enriched us beyond what we've been able to return. Let's all keep the flame burning bright. Let's write with transcendent beauty the stories whispered in our ears. And for goodness' sake, let's not lose touch. You know how to find us. Love to you!
Time for a good cry.
Your comments mean so much. It's hard to think of stepping away from this community. It's come to mean so very much to me. You all have. But like Patti said, you know how to find us and we'll certainly be looking for you. I wish you all the best with your writing endeavors, and I wish you a blessed life.
We all feel very loved by your words of appreciation. We have so enjoyed being part of your writers journeys.
It's been great! Thanks for the kind remarks, too. We will all be hanging out on social media so we know this isn't really a goodbye.
And, in future, we may well find ourselves blogging together again (or whatever the future of blogging turns out to be). The door isn't fully closed.
It's heartening to hear that we have had a positive impact on lives. You all certainly have made that on our lives.
All of you have made us feel so blessed, both now and many times in the past. Please, don't be strangers. We love you all.
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