Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Today’s a banner day. It’s the last day of school at my school, and the summer stretches out before me like a patient etherized on a table. No, wait, like the winter of our discontent become glorious summer.

Can you tell I teach literature? 

But this is legal hooky for us teachers. We get to read what we want to read, not four-pages-past-where-our-students will be discussing.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

I have things I want to read. First of all, I need an audiobook with the cliffhanger-nature of the television series 24 and the intrigue of fine-chocolate literature. Anybody got any suggestions?

And I’ve filled my Kindle like a hoarder with books I couldn’t read until now. Top of my list is Ariel Lawhon’s The Wife, the Maid, and the Mistress.

I just finished co-writing a new book (to be published by Credo Publishing this summer) and have other books to work on.

But for now, it’s reading-hooky.

What will you be reading?


Karen @ a house full of sunshine said...

Ooh, suggestions! Yep. "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt fits that description perfectly. Also "The Goldfinch" (same author) which just won the Pulitzer - but it's about three times as long and would take about a month to listen to on audio book. But is equally amazing. :) If you've never read Donna Tartt, you MUST MUST MUST. You would love her.

I also have Ariel's book on my TBR list! It sounds so intriguing.

Congrats on finishing another book, and happy reading!

Laurie said...

Congratulations on another school year ending well.
I am reading two books right now:
Sweet Salt Air by Barbara Delinsky and The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt.

Latayne C Scott said...

Karen, thank you for the suggestion. Obviously other people share your enthusiasm for Tartt, because when I looked at the wait list for her two books at the public library, there are about a bazillion people in line ahead of me for them!

Laurie, tell us what you think of those two books.